The Professional Assessment provides a broad, in-depth insight into the talent and (developmental) potential of the professional in relation to the context of your organization and the challenges in the position. This live assessment always includes a measurement of cognitive abilities, personality, and motivations. Depending on the query, our assessment psychologist selects additional tests and questionnaires that are most relevant for your professional. In the interactive assessment components, every live assessment is customized.
During the Professional career assessment, the central questions are: who are you, what do you want, and what can you do? The advisor focuses on themes such as motivation, drivers, and self-regulation during the assessment. Based on the query and information from the intake, we use additional assessment components and address themes to give as good a career advice as possible.
The participant receives a report with a personal and independent career advice. This advice contains concrete career steps and insight into what the participant needs to take these next steps.
GITP specializes in providing insight into the qualities and potential of your (future) employee. Your context is central. Whether it's about specific industry knowledge or function-specific assessments. We always customize our assessment for you.
The advocacy assessment provides broad, in-depth insight into the talent and potential of a lawyer, tax specialist, or notary.
The challenges in education are significant. Consider educational innovation, development and motivation of staff, and external collaborations. As the labor market scarcity for educational personnel grows; this presents a challenge for every HR professional in education.
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