Talent and teams make the difference

Services are becoming more and more specialized, driven by AI applications and robotisation. As a result, people have room within their position to have different roles in different teams and projects. That makes team building the key to success. You put together the best team with the right insights into talent.

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View previous trajectories with our customers here

Our solutions


Insights that stimulate, challenge and confront.

  • For insight into behaviour, competencies, personality and intelligence
  • For any career phase
  • For selection, career and/or performance issues

With our assessments, we provide insight into the talent and development potential of your people.

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View our assessments

Digital Tools

GITP is a specialist in advanced online assessment and development tools.

  • Talent data clearly arranged in your customer portal
  • Be in control of the process and costs
  • Modular and scalable
  • Scientifically proven quality

Want to get started quickly? Our consultants are ready for you!

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View our digital tools


Our coaches are experienced assessment psychologists. They achieve an impact on work performance and work experience.

  • Experienced organisational psychologists
  • Shorter trajectories with impact
  • Proven scientific methodologies

Accelerate targeted development with a coach

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View coaching options

Talent Solutions

The mix of consultancy, tooling and people analytics that accelerates transitions, improves them and increases the chance of success.

  • Strategic Talent Management
  • Talent Analytics
  • Transition guidance

Your people determine the success rate of your formulated strategy or change of direction. Focus on your workforce!

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View our strategic HR solutions

average rating of our customers regarding our services

of our customers highly recommend GITP

Talent Intelligence Platform

Get started with our platform

With your own account on our Talent Intelligence Platform, you can select, set up and plan your own assessments. Via Track & Trace you follow the assessment step by step. In your own environment, you receive reports, advice and you can view your contracts.



Talent develops quickly. But fortunately so do we. Because talent development is what we do. Day in, day out. We're here to help, and now it's even easier with the Talent Intelligence Platform.


We would like to help you

Lex Karstens 7017

Lex Karstens

Sr. Adviseur

Juiste persoon op de juiste plaats

Juiste persoon op de juiste plaats. In alle soorten van dynamiek, context, doelstellingen. Over branches heen.

Kernkwaliteit: diagnostiek in meest brede betekenis, beoordelen en begeleiden, impasses doorbreken. Vanuit vertrouwen inzicht, herkenning, initiatief en doorbraak

Harry Hendriks 9353

Harry Hendriks

Sr. Adviseur

Doen wat nodig is. Open blik. Mensgericht

Ik wil mensen inzicht geven in hun talenten en eventuele ontwikkelpunten Zodat zij zelf de regie kunnen pakken om het beste uit zichzelf te halen. Als psycholoog ben ik geïnteresseerd in het individu en koppel dat als veranderkundige graag aan de context en de strategie van organisaties. Mijn insteek daarbij is positief opportunistisch, kijken naar kansen en mogelijkheden. Niet alleen cognitief, maar waar dat kan zeker ook vanuit beleving. In interactie wil ik de professional zijn die zorgt dat je gaat doen waar je goed in bent en dat je gaat doen waar je je goed bij voelt.


  • Coachen op leiderschap
  • Persoonlijke effectiviteit
  • Ontwikkelen competenties
  • Individuele loopbaancoaching en -begeleiding
  • Voeren van ontwikkelgesprekken
  • Adviseren management ten aanzien van selectie en ontwikkeling
  • Competentiemanagement
  • Begeleiden burgemeestersbenoemingen
  • Uitvoeren van selectie- en ontwikkelassessments
  • Trainen op gebied van selectie- en ontwikkelgesprekken
  • Begeleiden teamontwikkeling
  • Trainen en begeleiden ondernemingsraden
  • Inwerken en coachen nieuwe medewerker
  • Acquisitie en relatiebeheer
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2024 GITP.nl

GITP is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 certified

Iso 9001 2015
Iso 27001